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Contact us on

633 Eben Farm, Sonstraal Road, Paarl, 7646 
Western Cape, South Africa 

Chantal Rischard & Stephan Illenberger

Chantal Rischard and Stephan Illenberger

Ashia Founders & Directors

Chantal was born in Luxemburg and with her German husband, Stephan, they spent most of their business life based in Europe. Both have always dreamed of living in South Africa, getting involved in the conservation of endangered species, and following their passion for wildlife photography.  In 2015 they made Cape Town their home and founded Ashia in 2016 as the base for their conservation initiatives.

Marna Smit ​

Marna Smit black and white portrait


Having spent the majority of her working life in wildlife conservation, protection and rehabilitation, Marna is responsible for the management of all operational needs of the organisation in conjunction with the respective heads of Ashia’s key areas as well as active participation in Ashia’s conservation initiatives. She also acts as the Ashia spokesperson for interviews or statement requests.